1. Digestive disorders:- Grounded cardamom seeds mixed with ginger, cloves and coriander is an effective remedy for indigestion. A tea made from cardamom is valuable in headache caused by indigestion. It relieves gas and heart burn caused by garlic and onion. It increases appetite.
2. Bad breath:- A few seeds chewed for a brief period removes foul smell. Its aromatic flavour is a breath freshener.
3. Depression:- Seeds of cardamom boiled in water with tea can be used in the treatment of depression.
4. Hiccups:- An infusion made by boiling cardamoms in a cup of water along with 5 leaves of mint relieves hiccups.
5. Genital-Urinary disorders:- Its powdered seeds mixed with a tablespoon of banana leaf and amla juice taken thrice a daily , will serve as an excellent diuretic for the treatment of gonorrhoea, cystitis, nephritis, burning micturation or urination and scanty urination.
6. Impotency:- A pinch of powdered cardamom seeds boiled in milk and sweetened with honey every night is useful in sexual dysfunctions like impotency and premature ejaculation.
2. Bad breath:- A few seeds chewed for a brief period removes foul smell. Its aromatic flavour is a breath freshener.
3. Depression:- Seeds of cardamom boiled in water with tea can be used in the treatment of depression.
4. Hiccups:- An infusion made by boiling cardamoms in a cup of water along with 5 leaves of mint relieves hiccups.
5. Genital-Urinary disorders:- Its powdered seeds mixed with a tablespoon of banana leaf and amla juice taken thrice a daily , will serve as an excellent diuretic for the treatment of gonorrhoea, cystitis, nephritis, burning micturation or urination and scanty urination.
6. Impotency:- A pinch of powdered cardamom seeds boiled in milk and sweetened with honey every night is useful in sexual dysfunctions like impotency and premature ejaculation.